Friday, February 17, 2012

rubber ducky you're the one

Last time I posted it was because Keith said that I haven't done one in awhile.  This time it is because Keith's Mom told Keith I haven't done one in awhile.  Its good, I need people to keep me on my feet.  Also it gives me a seg-way into telling the story that Colin calls Keith's Mom Grandma Joseph Street.  Why does he do this you ask?  Because he knows that his name is Colin Joseph Street and he knows that Keith's Mom is Grandma Street so he just assumes that her middle name is Joesph.  We have told him repeatedly that Joesph is not actually her middle name but he doesn't seem to care.  Also he seems to think that Tessa's name is not Tessa but rather that her name is Tessy.  And as much as I NEVER intended on calling her Tessy I have to say that it is quickly catching on in our house.  Poor girl, I hope for her sake this phase doesn't last.

Here is "Tessy's" 7 month picture.  She has started to get up on her hands and knees and is able to move backwards.  I have a feeling she will be moving forward any day now.  Then Keith and I will really be tested.  Having 2 kids under the age of 3  in the house and on the move I have no doubt will keep us running non-stop. 

We have been trying to enjoy the unseasonable nice weather these days.  Here is Colin and 'MawMaw Books' (r intentionally omitted so it sounds closer to how Colin says it) at the zoo on Feb 2nd.  Feb 2nd, in St. Louis, amazing!!

And we have reached a new milestone in our house, the kids are now big enough to take baths together.  So stinkin' cute.

We continue to be extremely busy and have several 'projects' that we are working on which I hope to be able to update you all on soon.  And no I assure you I am not pregnant.  Lord knows these two are keeping us plenty busy for now.

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