Sunday, January 15, 2012


Keith told me tonight that he felt like I should do a post.  I told him that he is welcome to come on here anytime and post if he is interested.  He didn't seem too excited about that idea.  So in efforts to post something as a way to keep this up to date I am going to do a quick list of things that have been keeping us busy as of late.

1.  Tess is six months old.  Can someone please explain to me how this is possible? 

2.  Colin tries to put Keith and I in timeout.  He counts to three and then tells us to go to timeout.  This is how he counts "one, two, three, four, nine, thirteen".  Please let it be noted that Colin can in fact count to ten but when he is mad he can't seem to take the time to say all of the numbers so he jumps around a little.

3.  Tess got her first haircut today.  And by haircut I mean I held her and Keith took two snips and cut off her mullet.  I didn't want to have to cut her hair but as evidenced by this picture it had to happen.

4.  After spending more time then I would like to admit planning out the kids Christmas outfits I come to realize that I do not have a single picture of Tess in her Christmas Day outfit.  I have several of Colin but none of Tess.  Family are you reading this?  If so and if you happen to have a picture of Tess from Christmas Day can you please send it my way?  I have plenty of Christmas Eve it is Christmas Day that I am looking for.

5.  This is the only picture I have of the four of us from Christmas.  Not our best moment.

6.  Sleep.  We aren't getting much.  Enough said.

7.  Any time the Brooks cousins get together we try to take a picture of all 14 of us.  This year my Mom surprised all of the cousins by giving us various framed versions of this photo.  It was hilarious looking back at some of the outfits and hairstyles that we all used to sport.  I am going to have to be honest here, in many of the pictures I am the one who seems to look the most ridiculous.

8.  The cousin picture tradition has continued on to the next generation of Brooks cousins.  I wonder if these kids will look back years from now at these photos and think that they look ridiculous. 

9.  I got the Jeep detailed today.  Is it weird that there is little in life that makes me happier then taking my car to Waterway?

10.  I feel like this list should have 10 things but I can't think of a last one so I will end with this.  My babies continue to grow faster then I feel like I can keep up with.  I wake up each day loving them more then I did the day before.

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