Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Let's try this again

So remember last week when I posted about how nervous I was about being alone with the kids for the first time?  Well it turned out that I wasn't alone with them at all.  Keith went into work on Tuesday to find out that the vacation time that he had originally requested that he thought he wasn't going to get because he is in the process of switching jobs was in fact approved.  So I had Keith home with me all week last week.  And thank God for that. 

Colin woke up on Wednesday with a 101 fever.  We gave him Tylenol and put him down for a nap, hoping he would sleep off whatever bug he had.  Well he woke up with a 104 fever.  Off to the doctor we went.


(This is Colin in the doctor's office.  I know I should feel bad about taking this picture b/c he was clearly sick but it was just too funny not to capture.)

We get there and are told that he is breathing VERY fast and that he needs a chest x-ray.  This is easily the most scared I have been as a parent up to this point.  The x-ray reveals that Colin has pneumonia.  We were sent home with antibiotics and instructions to use a nebulizer every 4 hours.  Oh and we were told to keep Colin and Tess away from each other just in case Colin was contagious.  Apparently pneumonia in little kids typically is not contagious but it is better to be safe then sorry especially when you are talking about the health of your newborn baby. 

Keeping the kids separate was not the easiest thing in the world to do especially because these are some of Colin's favorite things to do these days.

Tess and I spent Thursday over at my parents house and Keith stayed home to take care of Colin.  We must have caught on that Colin was sick very early because by Thursday morning Colin was literally running circles around the house.  I am so grateful that he was back to his normal self so soon.  That being said I am just so happy that Keith was home last week.  I don't know how I would have gotten through all of that without his help.

With Keith's new job he will be working 8-5 Monday through Friday.  In his previous position he worked 6:30-5 Tuesday through Friday.  He starts the new job next week so this Monday was the last Monday that Keith will be at home.  Yesterday I spent the day over at my parents house.  The grand kids, all 9 of them, spent time over at Grandma's yesterday.  It was a fun, but slightly hectic day.

So after all of that.... today is officially my first day alone with the kids.  I made it through the morning.  The kids are both napping.  I am using my 'me' time to do a little blogging and we will see where the afternoon takes us. 
I promise to work on posting something non kid related soon.  I assure you that although kids are running my life right now that I am capable of adult conversation that doesn't revolve around nap times and diaper changes.  Thanks for being patient with me.

1 comment:

  1. Well, at least now you know that you and Keith are quite capable of handling emergency situations. Colin did make a very quick recovery. He was so cute with his cousins yesterday.
