Sunday, October 9, 2011

Wild hair and other tidbits

So I started this blog because I thought I would have the time and energy (ha... what is that?) to keep up with it.  I thought I could post at least once a week with little updates about the kids, the house, and all the little stuff that keeps us busy.  At the same time I thought that every once in awhile I could write something with a little more substance.  Well it turns out that having two kids, one of whom is nursing and one of whom we are currently potty training takes up pretty much all of my time.  As much as I would like to get to dedicate a little more time to blogging it simply isn't a priority in comparison to spending time with my kids.  It is important to me to be active with my kids.  So when we go to the park it isn't just Colin who is running around I am usually right there running with him.  I have been joking lately that I will never have to join a gym again because I am so busy running around with the kids.  It can be exhausting.  Fun, fulfilling, at times really funny but still exhausting.  By the time the kids go to bed at the end of the day I am ready to go to bed myself.  Bottom line my blogs for here on out will likely be pretty brief.  I will try to get right down to the point.  And really most people are just stopping by here to see pictures of the kids anyway.  So... here are some updates on what we have been doing lately...

We took the kids up to St. Joe yesterday for their Fall Harvest.  The kids had a good time and I have to admit I think it is fun to stop by my old stomping grounds every once and awhile.

Colin went for his first pony ride ever.  He did such a great job!!  And doesn't he look like a 4 year old here?  How is this child only 2?

I thought I would show Tess the gym, you know just in case she grows up to be at all like her Mama. (no pressure I swear!).  Please note that at this point she was totally passed out. 

A quick note about hair.  My children both have wild hair right now.  Earlier this summer we shaved Colin's head because his hair had been getting so sweaty so quickly anytime we played outside.  We are now in the process of letting it grow back in and we found out that he has a double colic.  The only solution at this point is to go with the faux-hawk. 

Tess easily has the most ridiculous hair I have ever seen on a newborn.  Take a look at this picture.  I swear I did not style this in anyway.  This is honest to God what her hair looks like.  Can you believe that volume?  People have asked me if I style it.  First off who styles a 3 months old hair?  Second off if I did style it why would I chose this particular style?  It is CRAZY.  It sticks up a good inch off of her head and then curls.  I can not wait to see what it looks like when she gets older.  For now I am taking lots of pictures so we don't forget what it once looked like and we are wearing lots of bows. 

That's all I have for tonight.  I am back at work so it is for sure time for me to go to bed so that I can be functional for the next 3 days.